

Frequently Asked Questions

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Thinking of choosing IPTV service over satellite TV?
Absolutely! IPTV offers a ton of advantages that make it a wise decision. With IPTV, you can enjoy international programming right on your TV without the need for a satellite dish. Just connect to a good internet connection and you’re all set.
Wondering which devices are compatible with our IPTV service?
We’ve got you covered! Our service works seamlessly on smart TVs (Samsung, Sony, LG, you name it!), Android devices (STB, phones), Apple TV, iPhones, STB emulator app, and Fire Stick.
Curious about the IPTV subscription services we provide?
Well, Hdiptvhub is your go-to IPTV service provider. We bring you the latest technology for an exceptional streaming experience. Get access to thousands of live channels, countless movies, and thrilling live events or sports shows right on your compatible device or app.
Got questions about the STB emulator?
It’s the most common app we use to set up your streaming services. Simply download and configure the app from the Google Play Store on your Android device, and voila! You’ll have access to our portal using the generated MAC address we provide.
Wondering if you should turn off your modem/device when not in use?
Well, it’s not necessary, but it helps save electricity and reduces your internet load. Plus, keeping your device turned off when not in use adds an extra layer of security against potential hackers.
Curious about our trial offer?
Yes, we provide a 24-hour trial so you can experience our service firsthand. And if you’re looking for refunds, we’ve got you covered there too. We offer refunds, but we highly recommend trying our service first to avoid any future disputes. Our billing team is ready to assist you in submitting a refund request.
Encountering issues with your account?
First, check your network connection and reboot your router and device. If the problem persists, ensure your account isn’t being used on another device simultaneously. simultaneous streaming is limited to one device at a time.
Curious about payment methods?
We offer a wide range of options, including PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express.
Can I use my subscription on multiple devices?
One subscription can be used on one devices.
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